There may be no word that strikes fear into the hearts of homeowners in quite the same way as this simple one: renovations. It brings to mind endless days of contractors tramping in and out of your house, strange problems that seem to grow unceasingly, and mystifying bills that breed themselves. Things that would never have been a thought before – how long can the kids do homework in the garage during this project? – become a daily focus in lives where days are already full. But renovations don’t have to be a spiraling, time-consuming era of stress when they can instead be an exciting time of possibility – even during this busiest time of the year. The thing most often forgotten when thinking about the word “renovations” is that “renovations” don’t have to be enormous, expensive, or time-consuming to make a massive impact on redesigning a space into new life. When it comes to innovative choices in beautiful spaces, the tiniest of details can make the most magnificent change.
Design by TMS Architects
The best part of a renovation of any size are the savings you can earn in the short term, and the value added to your home in the long run. While a large scale change such as an added bathroom is most often imagined, smaller structural and practical shifts can help your bottom line. Energy-efficient windows and appliances always work wonders, but even things like changing the shape of an entry arch can revolutionize the entire perception of a space from the moment you walk in the room.
Design by TMS Architects
Renovation isn’t solely about structural changes or furniture pieces, either. It can be a basic interior redesign that makes a tired space feel like freshly built addition to the home, without extensive time or cost. Repainting a room is always a terrific way to refresh – but repainting entirely may be too overwhelming. However, painting or refinishing trim can be just enough to do the trick; replacing a floor may be a tremendous undertaking, but retouching to add that gleaming note to a room is more than enough. Think about the wants behind your choices, and if that choice seems too drastic, find a way to achieve the same desire but on a smaller scale.
Design by TMS Architects
If your hope in changing smaller design elements like a trim or accent wall is to bring in a new style or color, remember that “large” isn’t the only route. It’s the changing seasons that so often cause the renovations itch, and seasonal can be the most fun way to go. Instead of painted or permanent flashes of design, elect for new drapes, throw pillows, area rugs, and blankets – even a specific set for each changing season. Moreover, this can serve as a test run for choices or colors you are considering in an unchanging fashion, eventually leading to new upholstery or shades.
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Redesign can go even smaller, even less stressful, and with even bigger rewards. In every room in your house, there are tiny fixes that can truly go the distance but take only a weekend afternoon. Fresh grout in the bathroom, new cabinet hardware in the kitchen, and a different lighting fixture in the living room can be all you truly need for the feeling of an overhauled renovation.
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The turn of seasons is an inherent time of change, creating the desire to bring newness and verve into our lives on not only a large scale, but down to the most minute details of daily life. Even during the most hectic of times, with a few excellent choices, your home can be ready for all that this season and the year to follow holds. If you’re ready to make a change to your home, contact TMS Architects today!